I've been wanting to post all week, but I only really have one issue on my mind lately, getting a mortgage for a house. We have turned in all our needed info to the mortgage broker, and now we have a 2wk wait until we hear back from the lenders. And, apparently a VA Loan doesn't always mean a guaranteed mortgage like we thought, especially not in this economy! I feel so stupid for letting people know that we may be buying a house, now if we don't get the mortgage having to explain to them why we're all of a sudden not buying will be adding insult to injury. I'm tryting to stay positive, but am of course extremely nervous/anxious and driving everyone nuts with this issue.
We took a break this week. Everyone was sick at some point this week, and I wasn't feeling too motivated so we stayed home and did nothing all week. We'll get back into the swing of things sometime next week, probably after the holiday/inauguration mess is all done.
And, my last bit of news. my hair is now short again. I'm sure that comes as no suprise to most as I love short hair and I also change my hair at least a few times a year. Long hair bores me, and I've never looked that great with even medium/chin legth or so hair, so I may have to stick to just short for a while now. I love my hasirstyle now, pictures will come when Jason wakes as I'm horrid with cameras... my only issue with it is now I look identical to my dad! It's always something....
The New Image-Zine
5 years ago
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